Studies and Research

UE no contexto da pandemia e pós-pandemia: Presidência portuguesa do conselho e cenários futuros da Europa

The main topics addressed are the impacts of the pandemic and the post-pandemic perspectives for the European Union (EU), the agenda of the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union, and the focus on the EU Economic Recovery Plan, in the context of digital and green transitions. Scenarios in the field of social, economic, and institutional reforms, European foreign policy, prospects for EU cooperation with third countries, the ratification process of the Mercosur-EU Agreement, and the relationship with Brazil and Latin America are analyzed.

Only available in Portuguese.

The main topics addressed are the impacts of the pandemic and the post-pandemic perspectives for the European Union (EU), the agenda of the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union, and the focus on the EU Economic Recovery Plan, in the context of digital and green transitions. Scenarios in the field of social, economic, and institutional reforms, European foreign policy, prospects for EU cooperation with third countries, the ratification process of the Mercosur-EU Agreement, and the relationship with Brazil and Latin America are analyzed.

Only available in Portuguese.

Participants in this publication

Ana Paula Tostes
Senior Fellow

Professor at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), Researcher prociencia at FAPERJ and CNPq's PQ Scholar - level 2

Yasmin Renni
Doctoral Student in International Relations at Universidade NOVA de Lisboa