
Trends and the Uncertainties of the Energy Transition in the Brazilian Case

The first phase of the IDB-CEBRI-EPE Energy Transition Program, which took place in the first half of 2021, aimed at mapping the main trends and critical uncertainties of the energy transition through virtual debates with experts, the public, and stakeholders.

After a series of debates organized by CEBRI with public authorities and decision-makers from the private sector throughout 2021, a complete diagnosis of the Brazilian energy sector was prepared. The document points out trends and uncertainties for the sector in relation to the geopolitical context of the energy transition.

The first phase of the IDB-CEBRI-EPE Energy Transition Program, which took place in the first half of 2021, aimed at mapping the main trends and critical uncertainties of the energy transition through virtual debates with experts, the public, and stakeholders.

After a series of debates organized by CEBRI with public authorities and decision-makers from the private sector throughout 2021, a complete diagnosis of the Brazilian energy sector was prepared. The document points out trends and uncertainties for the sector in relation to the geopolitical context of the energy transition.