Online events

CEBRI-Journal 11th Issue Launch | Rise of the Far-Right and the Global Order

  • Institutional

The eleventh issue of CEBRI-Journal features contributions from renowned experts addressing the rise of the far-right and the global order. In addition to the Editors-in-Chief, Feliciano de Sá Guimarães and Hussein Kalout, and the Associate Editor Marianna Albuquerque, the online launch event will feature Antonio Patriota (Ambassador of Brazil to the United Kingdom and member of CEBRI's International Advisory Board), Déborah Leal Farias (University of New South Wales, Australia), José Antonio Sanahuja (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain) and Camilo López Burian (Universidad de la República, Uruguay), authors who will present their contributions in the issue.




The eleventh issue of CEBRI-Journal features contributions from renowned experts addressing the rise of the far-right and the global order. In addition to the Editors-in-Chief, Feliciano de Sá Guimarães and Hussein Kalout, and the Associate Editor Marianna Albuquerque, the online launch event will feature Antonio Patriota (Ambassador of Brazil to the United Kingdom and member of CEBRI's International Advisory Board), Déborah Leal Farias (University of New South Wales, Australia), José Antonio Sanahuja (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain) and Camilo López Burian (Universidad de la República, Uruguay), authors who will present their contributions in the issue.

Opening and Moderation

Hussein Kalout
International Advisory board

Special Secretary for Strategic Affairs of the Presidency of the Republic (2016-2018), Ph.D. in International Relations from Lancaster University (United Kingdom) and International Advisory Board Member at CEBRI

Marianna Albuquerque
Senior Fellow

Professor at The Institute of International Relations and Defense (IRID / UFRJ)

Feliciano de Sá Guimarães
Academic Director

Professor at the Institute of International Relations/USP


Camilo López Burian
Professor at the University of the Republic (Udelar)

Déborah Leal Farias
Professor at the University of New South Wales

José Antonio Sanahuja
Professor at the Complutense University of Madrid

Victor do Prado
Member of the International Advisory Borad

Former Director of the WTO Council and Trade Negotiations Committee


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