Senior Researcher

Antonio Lavareda

About the expert

Biography Antonio Lavareda

Senior Researcher at the Brazilian Center of International Relations (CEBRI). Antonio Laverda is CEO of MCI-Estratégia, President of the Scientific Council of the Research Institute (IPESPE), Founder of the Laboratory of Applied Neuroscience (NeuroLab) and Collaborating Professor of the Graduate Program in Political Science at the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE).

Antonio Lavareda holds a PhD in Political Science from the University Research Institute of Rio de Janeiro (UPERJ) and a Master's in Sociology from UFPE. He is the author of eleven books, including “Hidden Emotions and Electoral Strategies” (2009) and “Democracy in the Ballot Box” (1999). Among his books is the most comprehensive analysis of parties and elections in the Fourth Brazilian Republic (1945–1964)  “Democracia nas Urnas” (1st ed. 1991, 2nd ed. 1999, 3rd ed. 2012), a work frequently used in university courses.

Laverda is also the co-author of “Neuropropaganda from A to Z” (2016) and co-organizer of “The Logic of Municipal Elections” (2016), “Voting and Political Communication Strategy in Latin America” (2015) and “How Voters Chose Their Mayor: Campaigns and Voting in Municipal Elections” (2011). 

As coordinator or strategy consultant, he has participated in 91 major political campaigns, including of presidents, governors, senators and mayors, across Brazil, Portugal and Bolivia.

In Brazil, he is considered a pioneer in theoretical studies and in the use of neuropolitical tools.

He hosts the television program, “Ponto a Ponto,” dedicated to discussing public opinion polls with journalist Mônica Bergamo on BandNews TV. He is also a columnist for BandNews FM radio.



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