
Are the United States and Brazil Aligned? Opportunities and Challenges

The initiative of the Trump and Bolsonaro administrations to converge around a set of common approaches to regional and global politics has broken pre-established paradigms. This publication analyzes the opportunities and challenges of this attempt to align. Matias Spektor argues, however that "there is much that the two countries can actually do together in the world and on behalf of their bilateral relationship without a sustained policy of alignment."

The initiative of the Trump and Bolsonaro administrations to converge around a set of common approaches to regional and global politics has broken pre-established paradigms. This publication analyzes the opportunities and challenges of this attempt to align. Matias Spektor argues, however that "there is much that the two countries can actually do together in the world and on behalf of their bilateral relationship without a sustained policy of alignment."

Participants in this publication

Matias Spektor
Senior Fellow

Associate Professor and Founder of the Getulio Vargas Foundation School of International Relations (FGV)