CEBRI Dossiers

Aliança Estratégica entre Brasil e Argentina: Antecedentes, estado atual e perspectivas

  • Brazil
  • External Relations
  • 24 august 2003

The objective of the dossier "Strategic Alliance between Brazil and Argentina" is to examine the nature of the relationship between Brazil and Argentina. The dossier looks at the possibility that said relationship may actually be classified as a permanent "strategic alliance", immune to variations in the political orientation of the respective governments. In other words, it is a question of evaluating to what extent the bilateral relationship has already surpassed or may surpass the condition of a mere "tactical alliance".

The objective of the dossier "Strategic Alliance between Brazil and Argentina" is to examine the nature of the relationship between Brazil and Argentina. The dossier looks at the possibility that said relationship may actually be classified as a permanent "strategic alliance", immune to variations in the political orientation of the respective governments. In other words, it is a question of evaluating to what extent the bilateral relationship has already surpassed or may surpass the condition of a mere "tactical alliance".

Participants in this publication

José Botafogo Gonçalves
Vice-Chairman Emeritus

Brazil’s Minister for Industry, Trade and Tourism (1998-1999)

Mauricio Carvalho Lyrio
Secretary for Economic and Financial Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MRE)